Dimensions of Being presents

Finding our inner ground when the world is shaking
An Online Teaching Retreat
Rafia and Turiya
October -November 2022
This journey is about the astounding relationship between Trust and Universal Love.
Basic Trust is an aspect of our Being that knows and experiences, on a deep inner level, that we will be ok regardless of external circumstances. It is a belly-centred wisdom that lets our soul relax and brings us tremendous guidance in response to outer circumstances which challenge our capacity to trust, to surrender, and to take appropriate action in the face of difficulties.
Developing and reconnecting to Basic Trust is in no way a strategy to spiritually-bypass or be complacent about any of the challenges, conflicts, feelings, horror and damage that is happening on our planet right now. The wars, the environmental shifts, the violence, destruction and turmoil we are all exposed to is there to be seen, felt and responded to in embodied and effective ways even though the ground may be literally shaking under our feet. As we start understanding and metabolizing our personal perspectives anchored in the past a beautiful sense of Basic Trust emerges to the point where regardless of external events, we sense and know we are held in Love, accepted and Blessed.
To be grounded in Basic Trust we have to first explore with great curiosity and love of the truth what is often called the “holding environment” of our upbringing. When we inquire with honesty about what has shaped our capacity to trust we simultaneously also bring awareness and compassion to any patterns of mistrust and suspicion which have influenced and perhaps now dominate our perspective and worldview. This very insightful approach brings healing and choice to underlying anxiety and feelings of separateness from the world around us.
"Basic trust is not a trust in some thing, some person, or some situation, and so is not readily diminished by life circumstances. Instead, it gives you an implicit orientation toward all circumstances that allows you to relax and be with them. You feel in your bones that you are and will be okay, even if the events at the moment are disappointing or painful, or even completely disastrous..."
A.H. Almaas
This course is designed to explore and establish Basic Trust in order to:
Live from a more grounded, relaxed, loving and spacious presence that feels supported by the Universe.
Understand more fully how our capacity to self-develop has very much to do with our early-life issues regarding Basic Trust
Enable you to work with issues regarding Basic Trust (For counselors and therapists)
Have new relevant skills available to compassionately support people dealing with high levels of mistrust.
Be able to take effective grounded action which reflects the intuition arising from Basic Trust.
Basic Trust is not blind trust. It is rather a capacity in ourselves to open up to things we need to face in ourselves, to the unknown and the world around us with grounded presence and the capacity to sense the boundless dimension of Universal Love.
modules & dates

Module 5: Love, Trust & Holding
Teaching Session: November 19th
Integration Session: November 23rd
The more we experience trust the more fluid and open our inquiry into our lives becomes. To go deep generally requires the trust that there is someone or something present which holds and helps us. We need a holding environment to be able to ask basic important questions about ourselves and Life. Without this Love and trust that we will be okay whatever we find, we generally cannot and will not go deep in our inquiry. Living Daylight brings the tender loving presence that gives the sense of being held and cared for by the Universe.

The structure of the course will be:​​
5 Live online teaching sessions will be delivered in 3-hour sessions over 5 weeks from August 27 -September 28th 2022.
Each session includes participatory experiences of Inquiry and Guided Meditation, plus 30 min. breaks to support your learning and wellbeing.
All sessions will be recorded and available to watch if you are unable to make a live session.
A 90 min. midweek session with Rafia or Turiya for our Southern Hemisphere participants to experience inquiry and meditation.
Downloadable Resources will include reading handouts, articles and additional course materials.
At the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion for the course.
The registration fee is €375.00
For payment in US$ or a payment plan option please use the 'Payment Options' button below

In our experience, only when we bring psychological and spiritual work together is true transformation possible. This synthesis truly enhances deep and lasting growth.
With this approach we discover that every emotional and psychological issue is actually a potential doorway to grounded and embodied awakening.